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1. sygnus.org Read it!
2. wikia.com Wiki
3. tvtropes.org Tropes
4. zazzle.com Store
5. deviantart.com DeviantART
6. tumblr.com Tumblr
7. pinterest.com pinterest
8. youtube.com YouTube
9. topwebcomics.com
10. gotop100.com
11. topwebcomiclist.com
12. tapastic.com
13. wordpress.com Lunar Song
14. redheadedauthor.com Megan Earley
15. gravatar.com Get a Gravatar
16. projectwonderful.com
17. dreigiau.com Dreigiau
18. adhemlenei.com Adhemlenei
19. coalcomic.com Coal
20. smackjeeves.com Of Light and Chaos
21. wordpress.org WordPress
22. frumph.net Easel
