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9. yahoo.com Yahoo Politics
10. washingtonpost.com Washington Post
11. sfgate.com a new poll
12. wikipedia.org
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14. gallup.com
15. icasualties.org human cost
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20. boomantribune.com Booman Tribune
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23. esquire.com Charles Pierce
24. correntewire.com CorrenteWire
25. crookedtimber.org Crooked Timber
26. crooksandliars.com Crooks and Liars
27. dailykos.com Daily Kos
28. democrats.com Democrats.com
29. discourse.net Discourse.net
30. docudharma.com Docudharma
31. emptywheel.net Emptywheel
32. thenation.com The Nation
33. eschatonblog.com Eschaton
34. vox.com Ezra Klein
35. firedoglake.com Firedoglake
36. first-draft.com First Draft
37. samueljohnson.com Frank Lynch
38. salon.com Salon
39. juancole.com Juan Cole
40. motherjones.com Mother Jones
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42. mahablog.com Mahablog
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47. oliverwillis.com Oliver Willis
48. pacificviews.org Pacific Views
49. ourfuture.org
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52. talkingpointsmemo.com
53. talkleft.com TalkLeft
54. prospect.org American Prospect
55. taylormarsh.com Taylor Marsh
56. ritholtz.com The Big Picture
57. themoderatevoice.com The Moderate Voice
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59. truthdig.com Truthdig
60. go.com ABC's The Note
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71. daoureport.com The Blog Report
72. huffingtonpost.com
73. rawstory.com The Raw Story
74. thinkprogress.org Think Progress
75. truthout.org Truthout
76. warincontext.org War in Context
77. ap.org AP
78. bbc.co.uk BBC
79. boston.com Boston Globe
80. csmonitor.com
81. tax.com David Cay Johnston
82. guardian.co.uk The Guardian
83. independent.co.uk The Independent
84. latimes.com Los Angeles Times
85. mcclatchydc.com
86. slate.com Slate
87. telegraph.co.uk The Telegraph
88. washingtonindependent.com
89. watchingamerica.com
90. usatoday.com USA Today
91. alternet.org Alternet.org
92. theatlantic.com
93. epluribusmedia.org ePluribus Media
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96. tnr.com The New Republic
97. progressive.org The Progressive
98. washingtonmonthly.com
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100. tompaine.com TomPaine.com
101. markfiore.com Mark Fiore
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104. opensecrets.org Opensecrets.org
105. tpmmuckraker.com TPMmuckracker
106. fas.org Secrecy News
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112. newshounds.us News Hounds
113. americanprogress.org
114. cepr.net
115. cbpp.org
116. coffi.org
117. ctj.org
118. commonwealinstitute.org
119. epinet.org
120. ea2020.org Energize America
121. consumerwatchdog.org
122. jaredbernsteinblog.com Jared Bernstein
123. lcv.org
124. nextnewdeal.net Michael Konczal
125. movingideas.org Moving Ideas
126. nrdc.org
127. blogs.com
128. pkarchive.org
129. rmi.org
130. sierraclub.org Sierra Club
131. stateofworkingamerica.org
132. tcf.org
133. ucsusa.org
134. workplacefairness.org Workplace Fairness
135. campaigndesk.org CJR Campaign Desk
136. electoral-vote.com
137. mysterypollster.com Mystery Pollster
138. pollingreport.com Polling Report
139. vote-smart.org Project Vote Smart
140. democrats.org Kicking Ass (DNC)
141. movabletype.org Movable Type 3.17
142. sitemeter.com
