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11. blogspot.com
12. discovermagazine.com Bad Astronomy
13. centerforinquiry.net CFI
14. coffeelovingskeptic.com
15. ebm-first.com ebm-first
16. mirandaceleste.net Miranda Celeste
17. quackometer.net Quackometer
18. rationalskepticism.org
19. sciencebasedmedicine.org
20. theskepticsguide.org
21. skeptic.org.uk
22. talkorigins.org Talk Origins
23. thetwentyfirstfloor.com The 21st Floor
24. nightingale-collaboration.org
25. poddelusion.co.uk The Pod Delusion
26. unreasonablefaith.com Unreasonable Faith
27. zenosblog.com Zeno's Blog
