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1. amazon.com The Shadowed Sun
2. aidanmoher.com A Dribble of Ink
3. blogspot.com Unbound!
4. adventuresinscifipublishing.com
5. aldaily.com
6. bibliobuffet.com BiblioBuffet
7. bigother.com Big Other
8. bloodofthemuse.com Blood of the Muse
9. boingboing.net Boing Boing
10. bookballoon.com Book Balloon
11. bookgeeks.co.uk Bookgeeks
12. booklifenow.com Booklife Now
13. bookslut.com Bookslut
14. thebookstudio.com The Book Studio
15. bscreview.com BSC Review
16. chasingray.com Chasing Ray
17. sarahweinman.com
18. crimefictionblog.com
19. bookcritics.org Critical Mass
20. tianevitt.com
21. deedsandwords.com Deeds and Words
22. jeffvandermeer.com Ecstatic Days
23. paul-charles-smith.com
24. fantasybookcafe.com Fantasy Book Cafe
25. fantasyliterature.com Fantasy Literature
26. file770.com File 770
27. wordpress.com
28. mediabistro.com GalleyCat
29. publishersweekly.com Genreville
30. covblogs.com
31. guardian.co.uk Guardian Book Blog
32. hellnotes.com Hellnotes
33. typepad.com
34. irosf.com
35. io9.com Io9
36. iansales.com
37. openlettersmonthly.com Like Fire
38. locusmag.com Locus Roundtable
39. mentatjack.com MentatJack
40. nytimes.com Paper Cuts
41. omnivoracious.com Omnivoracious
42. overbooked.org Overbooked
43. rea-hedrick.com R-H Perspectives
44. ruthlessculture.com Ruthless Culture
45. sfreviews.net SF Reviews
46. sfscope.com SFScope
47. sfsignal.com SF Signal
48. sfsite.com SF Site
49. spectrumcircus.com Spectrum Circus
50. suvudu.com Suvudu
51. trashotron.com The Agony Column
52. horrorreview.com The Horror Review
53. neglectedbooks.com
54. thewaythefutureblogs.com
55. tor.com Tor.com
56. walkerofworlds.com Walker of Worlds
57. scalzi.com Whatever
