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No. 链出域名 关键词
1. google.com Google
2. iltrovatore.it Il Trovatore
3. yahoo.it Yahoo Italia
4. altavista.it Altavista Italia
5. virgilio.it Virgilio
6. tiscali.it Tiscali
7. abcitaly.com Abc Italy
8. lycos.it Lycos Italia
9. google.it Google Italia
10. arianna.it Arianna
11. inwind.it Inwind
12. ebay.it EBay
13. msn.it MSN
14. kataweb.it Kataweb
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16. arcano.net Arcano
17. nettunio.it Nettunio
18. supereva.it Super Eva
19. godado.it Godado
20. veneto-imprese.it VenetoImprese
21. yahoo.com Yahoo
22. altavista.com Alta Vista
23. hotbot.com HotBot
24. teoma.com Teoma
25. msn.com MSN
26. lycos.com Lycos
27. excite.com Excite
28. alltheweb.com All the Web
29. askjeeves.com Askjeeves
30. dmoz.org DMOZ
31. go.com GoTo
32. search.com SearchCom
33. scrubtheweb.com Scrub The Web
34. alibaba.com Alibaba
