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1. twitter.com Follow @mfeminism
2. radionz.co.nz Radio New Zealand
3. thevine.com.au The Vine
4. thepunch.com.au The Punch
5. thescavenger.net The Scavenger
6. facebook.com
7. abc.net.au ABC The Drum
8. nsw.gov.au Art After Hours
9. theage.com.au The Age
10. yahoo.com solidarity
11. newmatilda.com New Matilda
12. smh.com.au
13. fridae.asia Fridae.com
14. onlineuniversities.com
15. hiderefer.com senate inquiry
16. menandfeminism.org
17. nationaltimes.com.au The National Times
18. news.com.au Jason Akermanis
