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No. 链出域名 关键词
1. bit.ly MOTHER
2. tumblr.com
3. addtoany.com
4. newhive.com 13 NEW POEMS
5. blogspot.fr HERE IS WHAT
6. pen.org New poem
7. typomag.com New poem
8. iowareview.org in the new issue
9. glittermobmag.com Three new poems
10. huffingtonpost.com I read some poems
11. onmetatron.com wrote deep into
12. believermag.com at The Believer
13. dazeddigital.com literary rebel
14. papermag.com
15. flavorwire.com about my twitter
16. entropymag.org at Entropy
17. bookish.com
18. shelf-awareness.com Shelf Awareness
19. publishersweekly.com
20. vice.com witch luv
21. openlettersmonthly.com
22. mashable.com about my twitter
23. htmlgiant.com interviewed me
24. publishinggenius.com MEAT HEART
25. mollysoda.biz Molly Soda
26. fenceportal.org new issue of Fence
27. bbook.com didathing 
28. youtube.com
29. thefanzine.com
30. thegiganticmag.com NEW POEM
31. paperbagazine.com 3 NEW POEMS
32. bushwicksweethearts.com NEW POEM
33. magneticstate.com Magnetic State.
