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1. blogger.com Blogger
2. blogspot.com
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4. youtube.com Pitch & Putt
5. beatlescompleteonukulele.com Ukulele Beatles
6. ubu.com Jayne Cortez
7. dailymotion.com
8. nytimes.com
9. vimeo.com Candas Sisman
10. peoplesmusicschool.org
11. 826valencia.org 826 Valencia
12. roomtoread.org Room to Read
13. thegreatcourses.com The Great Courses
14. grubstreet.org Grub Street
15. change.org Change.org
16. teacherlove.org Teacher Love
17. meaningfullife.com Simon Jacobson
18. berkeley.edu
19. aeinstein.org
20. projectcensored.org
21. storyofstuff.org Annie Leonard
22. nycga.net Declaration
23. confrontcorporatepower.org
24. guardian.co.uk
25. foreignaffairs.com
26. huffingtonpost.com
27. occupywallst.org Occupy Wall Street
28. netvibes.com
29. yahoo.com
30. billmoyers.com Richard Wolff II
31. charlierose.com Jeffrey Sachs
32. aol.com Peter Sellars
33. twitvid.com Cornel West
34. democracynow.org Cornel West
35. bigthink.com Cornel West
36. bloggingheads.tv Cornel West
37. fora.tv Leon Wieseltier
38. irishtimes.com
39. survivefrance.com How To Fake French
40. thisamericanlife.org Mike Daisey II
41. motionpoems.com Mark Strand
42. artinfo.com MarinaAbramovićII
43. google.com Truman Capote
44. yhchang.com Young-Hae Chang II
45. aspeninstitute.org Kay Ryan
46. chiefrabbi.org
47. strindbergandhelium.com
48. vatican.va Sistine Chapel
49. pbs.org Jeanette Winterson
50. newyorker.com
51. lareviewofbooks.org
52. the-american-interest.com
53. newrepublic.com
54. thebaffler.com
55. theatlantic.com
56. poems.com
57. chronicle.com Loving Reading
58. cprw.com
59. thewhitereview.org
60. steamthing.com
61. themillions.com
62. harpers.org
63. prospectmagazine.co.uk
64. nybooks.com
65. leftfieldcinema.com
66. poetryfoundation.org
67. harvardmagazine.com
68. theparisreview.org Mark Strand
69. ft.com Noam Chomsky
70. independent.co.uk Prozac Politics
71. newstatesman.com
72. wordpress.com Woolf on Proust
73. thesmartset.com
74. webexhibits.org
75. slate.com
76. neh.gov How Art Matters
77. barnesandnoble.com On Bach
78. moreintelligentlife.com
79. bostonglobe.com
80. smithsonianmag.com
81. theamericanscholar.org
82. salon.com
83. weeklystandard.com
84. nobelprize.org I Don't Know
85. tnr.com
86. bigquestionsonline.com
87. poets.org The "I" in poetry
88. vulture.com
89. newcriterion.com
90. openlettersmonthly.com
91. truegoodbeautiful.com
92. theaustralian.com.au
93. talentdevelop.com
94. youarenotsosmart.com
95. ingmarbergman.se
96. inspirationandchai.com
97. truthdig.com
98. nymag.com
99. michaelmoore.com
100. statcounter.com
