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No. 链出域名 关键词
1. freep.com
2. takeonhate.org site
3. wnd.com here
4. biblegateway.com Ephesians 6:12
5. wordpress.com
6. counterjihadreport.com
7. infowars.com InfoWars
8. jeannie-ology.com Jeannie-ology
9. prolifepodcast.net podcast
10. lifenews.com LifeNews.com
11. righttolifeca.org
12. breakpoint.org BreakPoint
13. focusonthefamily.com wrote
14. wikipedia.org Molech
15. christianpost.com
16. frc.org
17. worldmag.com silent on abortion
18. daytondailynews.com
19. nanwhaley.com Catholic
20. traditional-building.com Courthouse Square
21. wp.me
22. timhortons.com here
23. theunchoice.com Coercion
24. equalrightsamendment.org
25. religiousinstitute.org
26. tenthamendmentcenter.com
27. 911babies.com ref
28. reference.com here
29. nytimes.com here
30. cornell.edu TENTH AMENDMENT
31. nola.com
32. la.gov House Bill 305
33. gospel.com Molech 
34. mylifeasachristian.com
35. 365days4life.org 365 Days4Life
36. fgci.net
37. standtrue.com
38. afa.net
39. cc.org
40. cwfa.org
41. faith2action.org Faith2Action
42. lacoalitionforlife.com
43. nrlc.org
44. realityofchrist.me Reality of Christ
45. pregnancychoice.net
46. familyresourceclinic.com
47. adifficultchoice.com
48. twccolumbusonline.com
49. wrchancock.org
50. 40daysforlife.com 40 Days for Life
51. 400wordsforwomen.com
52. childpredators.com Child Predators
53. noahsdad.com Noah's Dad
54. savethe1.com Save the 1
55. sippinglemonade.com Sipping Lemonade
56. abortionfacts.com Abortionfacts.com
57. blackgenocide.org BlackGenocide
58. afterabortion.org Elliot Institute
59. maafa21.com Maafa 21
60. protectingblacklife.org
61. sitemeter.com
