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No. 链出域名 关键词
1. designerswithoutborders.org
2. architectureforhumanity.org
3. webs.com Arvind Lodaya
4. barefootcollege.org Barefoot College
5. designobserver.com Change Observer
6. designfordevelopment.org
7. dfsi.org
8. artcenter.edu Designmatters
9. doorsofperception.com
10. onesmallproject.org onesmallproject
11. thegreatturning.net The Great Turning
12. unctad.org UNCTAD
13. twitter.com
14. creativecommons.org
15. davidberman.com
16. bispublishers.nl
17. amazon.com
18. today.com niche group
19. ohs.org Lewis and Clark
20. wikipedia.org
21. guardian.co.uk
