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1. jenmyers.net jenmyers.net
2. nerdsinbabeland.com
3. queerty.com
4. ilounge.com
5. overthinkingit.com
6. twitter.com Twitter
7. tumblr.com Tumblr
8. flavorwire.com
9. themarysue.com
10. goodmenproject.com
11. typepad.com
12. flickr.com
13. wordpress.com
14. thehairpin.com
15. designshack.co.uk
16. oneword.com Oneword.com.
17. geekosystem.com
18. blogspot.com art of suspense
19. lifehacker.com
20. trutv.com
21. moviefone.com
22. theawl.com
23. howtomakestuff.com
24. womenofmystery.net
25. slate.com loves Tori Amos
26. frogdesign.com
27. wsj.com
28. fandor.com
29. theatlantic.com
30. needlesandsins.com
31. vanityfair.com
32. mediabistro.com
33. noiroftheweek.com Mullholland Dr.
34. thefrisky.com Clinton Kelly
35. mashable.com
36. cnn.com 25 years old
37. geekfeminism.org
38. movieline.com
39. pbs.org
40. jezebel.com
41. robinmckinleysblog.com
42. peterdickinson.com defense of rubbish
43. mulhollandbooks.com
44. tomorrowmuseum.com The end of sexism.
45. thehathorlegacy.com
46. oup.com "Ms." and "Miss."
47. cinematical.com
48. slashfilm.com
49. mikeindustries.com
50. crimespreecinema.com
51. thesmartset.com
52. feedburner.com RSS Feed
53. facebook.com Facebook
54. google.com Contribute
55. skreened.com
56. etsy.com
57. textpattern.com
58. creativecommons.org
