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13. twitter.com jasonpoblete
14. babalublog.com Babalu
15. johnelledge.com
16. jdsupra.com piece
17. worldecr.com WorldECR
18. miamiherald.com The Miami Herald
19. dailycaller.com The Daily Caller
20. baconsrebellion.com
21. bearingdrift.com Bearing Drift
22. cathousechat.com Cathouse Chat
23. wordpress.com Cuba Confidential
24. fairfaxfreecitizen.com
25. familyfoundation.org Family Foundation
26. fauquierfreecitizen.com
27. jeffersonpolicyjournal.com
28. thejeffersoniad.com Jeffersoniad
29. kateobenshain.com Kate Obenshain
30. rednova8.com Red NoVA
31. rpv.org
32. retirejimmoran.com Retire Jim Moran
33. blogspot.com George Weigel
34. shaunkenney.com Shaun Kenney
35. southsidecentral.com
36. labiosa.com The Labiosa Report
37. vapropertyrights.org
38. varight.com Virginia Right
39. craigorndorff.com
40. thefederalistpapers.org
41. loc.gov Federalist Papers
42. archives.gov The Magna Carta
43. libertyfund.org
44. virginia.edu
45. acton.org Acton Institute
46. 7thamendmentadvocate.org
47. aclj.org
48. americansforprosperity.org
49. drudgereport.com Drudge Report
50. gmu.edu GMU Law
51. legalinsurrection.com Legal Insurrection
52. politicalcortadito.com
53. redstate.com Red State
54. rlc.org
55. stellamorabito.net Stella Morabito
56. al-monitor.com
57. buckleyschool.com The Buckley School
58. typepad.com Uncommon Sense
59. volokh.com Volokh Conspiracy
60. jaquith.org Waldo Jaquith
61. georgewashingtonwired.org Washington Wired
62. aim.org Accuracy in Media
63. cato-at-liberty.org CATO Blog
64. dineshdsouza.com
65. fed-soc.org Federalist Society
66. gatestoneinstitute.org
67. generalpatton.org Gen. Patton Museum
68. heritage.org
69. hoover.org Hoover Institution
70. independent.org
71. legalnomads.com Legal Nomads
72. libertariangirl.org Libertarian Girl
73. longwarjournal.org Long War Journal
74. marklevinshow.com Mark Levin Show
75. michellemalkin.com Michelle Malkin
76. olavodecarvalho.org Olavo de Carvalho
77. readingthescore.com Reading the Score
78. rushlimbaugh.com Rush Limbaugh
79. centerforpolitics.org
80. nationalinterest.org
81. tsowell.com Thomas Sowell
82. ucatholic.com uCatholic
83. urbancure.org Urban Cure
84. valuesandcapitalism.com
85. zerohedge.com Zero Hedge
86. archphila.org
87. catholicsentinel.org Archbishop Sample
88. frpope.com
89. ncregister.com
90. newliturgicalmovement.org
91. thinking-catholic-strategic-center.com
92. usccb.org USCCB
93. claudiaheidelberger.com
94. pagelines.com
