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No. 链出域名 关键词
1. twitter.com
2. sustainablelifestyles.ac.uk Ian Christie
3. wordpress.com Diggers 2012
4. realitysandwich.com Charles Eisenstein
5. blogspot.com
6. ranprieur.com Ran Prieur
7. energybulletin.net Energy Bulletin
8. realclimate.org RealClimate
9. dark-mountain.net
10. theleaneconomyconnection.net
11. justfortheloveofit.org The Moneyless Man
12. theoildrum.com The Oil Drum
13. transitionculture.org
14. resilience.org
15. transitionnetwork.org
16. guardian.co.uk
17. smallfarmfuture.org.uk
18. reclaimthefields.org.uk Reclaim the Fields
19. transitionheathrow.com given here
20. rogerlovejoy.co.uk
21. thelandmagazine.org.uk
22. plutobooks.com John Holloway
23. teqs.net TEQs
24. howtosavetheworld.ca
25. wikipedia.org David Graeber
26. ekklesia.co.uk Ann Pettifor
27. positivemoney.org.uk 97% Owned
28. sacred-economics.com
29. youtube.com
30. orionmagazine.org who recently said
31. creativecommons.org
32. styleshout.com styleshout
33. wordpress.org WordPress
