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No. 链出域名 关键词
1. twitter.com Martin Schneider
2. google.com Get the E-Mail
3. raygunbrown.com Raygun Brown
4. paxsite.com PAX Australia
5. blogs.com
6. kickstarter.com Kickstarter
7. indiegogo.com IndieGoGo
8. wikipedia.org JOBS Act
9. crowdconf.com CrowdConf 2012
10. prosper.com Prosper
11. idea.me Idea.me
12. angel.co AngelList
13. lendingtree.com Lending Tree
14. intelcapital.com Intel Capital
15. thefundersclub.com Funders Club
16. rebelunit.com
17. vimeocdn.com
18. 500.co join me
19. techcrunch.com
20. pehub.com headed to Turkey
21. 500friends.com 500 Friends
22. ark.com Ark
23. betaworks.com betaworks
24. jelli.com Jelli
25. kabam.com Kabam
26. urbanairship.com Urban Airship
27. voxer.com Voxer
28. yume.com YuMe
29. pinterest.com globally
30. flickr.com
31. creativecommons.org
32. typepad.com Powered by TypePad
33. quantcast.com
