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No. 链出域名 关键词
1. telegraph.co.uk
2. pjmedia.com
3. townhall.com
4. canadafreepress.com
5. wordpress.com Sharia Unveiled
6. news.com.au
7. freebeacon.com
8. frontpagemag.com
9. independent.co.uk Caliph
10. typepad.com Atlas Shrugs
11. blogspot.com
12. actforamerica.org
13. brucebawer.com
14. brusselsjournal.com Brussels Journal
15. bulletinoftheoppressionofwomen.com
16. ex-muslim.org.uk
17. dianawest.net Diana West
18. iufe.org East Meets West
19. englishdefenceleague.net
20. europenews.dk Europe News
21. ezralevant.com Ezra Levant
22. faithfreedom.org Faith Freedom org.
23. fivefeetoffury.com Five Feet of Fury
24. freedompress.ca Freedom Press
25. frontpagemagazine.com
26. gatesofvienna.net Gates of Vienna
27. geertwilders.nl
28. youtube.com ICLA Videos
29. infidelsarecool.com Infidels are cool
30. islammonitor.org Islam monitor
31. jihadwatch.org JIHAD WATCH
32. lawandfreedomfoundation.org
33. nosharia.com
34. phyllis-chesler.com
35. pointdebasculecanada.ca Tipping Point
36. politicalislam.com Political Islam
37. stophonourkillings.com
38. terrorismawareness.org
39. vladtepesblog.com Vlad Tepes
40. artofblasphemy.com
41. thereligionofpeace.com
42. unwatch.org UN Watch
43. wordpress.org
