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6. salon.com Salon
7. squarespace.com A Tangled Web
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11. melaniephillips.com
12. samizdata.net Samizdata c
13. smalldeadanimals.com Small Dead Animals
14. spiked-online.com Spiked
15. bjorner.com About Bob Dylan
16. allalongthewatchtower.dk
17. bobdylan.com Bob Dylan.com
18. dylantree.com DylanTree
19. expectingrain.com Expecting Rain
20. rightwingbob.com RightWing Bob
21. acculturated.com
22. aeon.co What is a dude?
23. alphecca.com Alphecca
24. americandigest.org Am. Digest
25. theanchoressonline.com Anchoress, The
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28. brainpickings.org Brain Pickings
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30. claytoncramer.com Clayton Cramer
31. coyoteblog.com Coyote Blog
32. docmercury.com Dr. Mercury
33. wordpress.com Neuroanthropology
34. freerangekids.com
35. frontporchrepublic.com
36. peekinthewell.net
37. laphamsquarterly.org Lapham's Quarterly
38. themattwalshblog.com
39. mcsweeneys.net McSweeney
40. overcomingbias.com Overcoming Bias
41. shorpy.com Shorpy
42. synthstuff.com Synthstuff)
43. takimag.com
44. ted.com TED
45. artofmanliness.com
46. theatlantic.com
47. thehistoryblog.com
48. uplandjournal.com Upland Journal
49. the-american-interest.com
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51. becker-posner-blog.com Becker-Posner
52. businessinsider.com Business Insider
53. businesspundit.com Businesspundit
54. clubforgrowth.org Club for Growth
55. consumerismcommentary.com
56. davidstockmanscontracorner.com
57. economics21.org
58. econlib.org
59. env-econ.net
60. keithhennessey.com Keith Hennessey
61. mises.org
62. marginalrevolution.com
63. bloomberg.com
64. msn.com MSM Money
65. qando.net Q and O
66. realclearmarkets.com Real Clear Markets
67. zerohedge.com
68. campusreform.org
69. chronicle.com
70. thecollegefix.com College Fix
71. collegeinsurrection.com
72. thefire.org FIRE
73. gnxp.com Gene Expression
74. insidehighered.com Inside Higher Ed
75. mindingthecampus.com Minding the Campus
76. nas.org
77. nationalreview.com
78. popecenter.org The Pope Center
79. borowitzreport.com Borowitz Report
80. thedailymash.co.uk Daily Mash
81. fark.com FARK
82. laughingsquid.com Laughing Squid
83. scrappleface.com ScrappleFace
84. thepeoplescube.com The People's Cube
85. abovethelaw.com Above the Law
86. libertylawsite.org
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89. pointoflaw.com Point of Law
90. professorbainbridge.com
91. volokh.com Volokh Conspiracy
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93. newsbusters.org Newsbusters
94. patterico.com
95. timeswatch.org TimesWatch
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97. kevinmd.com Kevin, M.D.
98. docisinblog.com The Doctor is In
99. mu.nu Ace of Spades
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102. spectator.org Am Spectator News
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104. attackmachine.com Attack Machine
105. bernardgoldberg.com Bernard Goldberg
106. biggovernment.com Big Government
107. black-and-right.com Black and Right
108. bookwormroom.com
109. cato.org Cato at Liberty
110. chicagoboyz.net
111. conservatismtoday.com Conservatism Today
112. dailypundit.com Daily Pundit
113. danieldrezner.com Daniel Drezner
114. dailycaller.com
115. democracyjournal.org Democracy
116. dinocrat.com Dinocrat
117. eddriscoll.com Ed Driscoll
118. faustasblog.com Fausta
119. floppingaces.net Flopping Aces
120. futureofcapitalism.com
121. gaypatriot.org Gay Patriot
122. georgereisman.com George Reisman
123. reason.com
124. hotair.com
125. hughhewitt.com Hugh Hewitt
126. infowars.com Infowars
127. reuters.com James Pethokoukis
128. seanet.com
129. slate.com
130. lashawnbarber.com
131. michellemalkin.com
132. moonbattery.com
133. mudvillegazette.com Mudville Gazette
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135. neveryetmelted.com Never Yet Melted
136. nerepublican.com
137. outsidethebeltway.com
138. pjmedia.com
139. wsj.com
140. powerlineblog.com Scott Walker
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145. riehlworldview.com Riehl World View
146. rightwingnuthouse.com RightWing Nuthouse
147. rogerlsimon.com Roger L. Simon
148. sistertoldjah.com Sister Toldjah
149. sweetness-light.com
150. willwilkinson.net The Fly Bottle
151. newenglishreview.org New English Review
152. theothermccain.com The Other McCain
153. thepiratescove.us The Pirate's Cove
154. victorhanson.com
155. vermonttiger.com Vermont Tiger
156. thomasbrewton.com View from 1776
157. amnation.com
158. washingtonreb.com Washington Rebel
159. weaselzippers.us
160. willisms.com WILLisms
161. wizbangblog.com Wizbang
162. acton.org Acton Institute
163. firstthings.com First Things
164. blogs.com It Takes a Church
165. newsforchristians.com
166. patheos.com Patheos
167. realclearreligion.org
168. smartchristian.com Smart Christian
169. touchstonemag.com Touchstone
170. americanscientist.org American Scientist
171. bbc.co.uk BBC Science
172. climate-skeptic.com Climate Skeptic
173. scientificamerican.com
174. edge.org Edge
175. thegwpf.org
176. icecap.us
177. johnhawks.net John Hawks Weblog
178. junkscience.com Junk Science
179. livescience.com Live Science
180. realclearscience.com Real Clear Science
181. scienceblogs.com Science Blogs
182. sciencedaily.com Science Daily
183. 1boringoldman.com 1 Boring Old Man
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185. fxckfeelings.com F*ck Feelings
186. internationalpsychoanalysis.net
187. psychiatrictimes.com Psychiatric Times
188. thelastpsychiatrist.com
189. americanthinker.com American Thinker
190. american.com American.com
191. artsandlettersdaily.com
192. bostonreview.net Boston Review
193. csmonitor.com
194. city-journal.org City Journal
195. cnsnews.com
196. conservativegrapevine.com
197. commentarymagazine.com Contentions
198. crosscurrents.org
199. hoover.org Defining Ideas
200. townhall.com Marvin Olasky
201. drudgereport.com Drudge
202. firstprinciplesjournal.com First Principles
203. fora.tv FORA TV
204. foxnews.com FOX News
205. freebeacon.com
206. frontpagemag.com
207. humanevents.com Human Events
208. investors.com IBD Editorials
209. moreintelligentlife.com Intelligent Life
210. lucianne.com Lucianne
211. memeorandum.com Memeorandum
212. nationalaffairs.com
213. nationaljournal.com National Journal
214. newsmax.com
215. nypost.com
216. opinionjournal.com Opinion Journal
217. pajamasmedia.com Roger's Rules
218. politico.com
219. realclearpolicy.com Real Clear Policy
220. realclearpolitics.com
221. realclearworld.com Real Clear World
222. smithsonianmag.com
223. standpointmag.co.uk Standpoint
224. marksteyn.com Steyn Online
225. google.com
226. bloglines.com
227. psmag.com
228. imgur.com
229. bloombergview.com
230. cbslocal.com
231. weeklystandard.com
232. rollingstone.com
233. cafehayek.com Cafe Hayek
234. washingtonpost.com
235. cnbc.com
236. thehill.com
237. thetruthaboutguns.com
238. breitbart.com
239. ap.org
240. yourhoustonnews.com
241. thenewatlantis.com
242. thezman.com Ghetto Time Warp
243. wikipedia.org Kiriwina
244. goodreads.com The Killing Zone:
245. thegatewaypundit.com EACH MONTH
246. washingtonexaminer.com
247. blogspot.ca
248. legalinsurrection.com
249. eatonsranch.com Eaton's Ranch
250. wisegeek.org
251. wattsupwiththat.com
252. googleusercontent.com
253. thefederalist.com
254. marthastewart.com this
255. chrissouthernconsulting.com
256. sitemeter.com
