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1. wordpress.com Cancel
2. blogspot.com
3. terribleminds.com
4. smarturl.it
5. barnesandnoble.com B&N
6. kobobooks.com Kobo Books
7. thrillingthirteen.com
8. amazon.com
9. booksquare.com Booksquare
10. cherylshireman.com Cheryl Shireman
11. fawcettcommunications.com
12. gryeates.co.uk G.R. Yeates
13. monkeypantz.net Get Jack'd
14. jamespatterson.com James Patterson
15. thekindle3books.com Kindle 3
16. kindleboards.com Kindle Boards
17. lindadwelch.com Linda D. Welch
18. nathanbransford.com Nathan Bransford
19. thrillerwriters.org The Big Thrill
20. marypathyland.com The Hylander Diner
21. idealog.com The Shatzkin Files
22. tracycooperposey.com Tracy Cooper-Posey
23. thewritersguidetoepublishing.com
24. geckogo.com GeckoGo
