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8. theicarusproject.net The Icarus Project
9. ssrc.org The Immanent Frame
10. killingthebuddha.com Killing the Buddha
11. nodogs.org
12. projectmuso.org Project Muso
13. mb-soft.com
14. religiondispatches.org
15. therevealer.org The Revealer
16. wagingnonviolence.org Waging Nonviolence
17. nybooks.com
18. aljazeera.com Al Jazeera America
19. reuters.com
20. thetablet.org long restoration
21. nytimes.com Bernard Quinn
22. flickr.com
23. opendemocracy.net openDemocracy
24. lareviewofbooks.org
25. ncronline.org Says
26. is.gd
27. amazon.com Amazon
28. centerforinquiry.net
29. rmanyc.org
30. thenewpress.com
31. orbisbooks.com
32. andrewsullivan.com
33. 3quarksdaily.com 3 Quarks Daily
34. wordpress.com
35. barnesandnoble.com the new review
36. democracynow.org Democracy Now
37. warisacrime.org WarIsACrime.org
38. occupy.com Occupy.com
39. publishersnewswire.com
40. ucpress.edu
41. goodreads.com Goodreads
42. huffingtonpost.com HuffPost Live
43. thenewinquiry.com The New Inquiry
44. hofstra.edu
45. creativecommons.org
46. wordpress.org WordPress
