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No. 链出域名 关键词
1. wsj.com Earth Day
2. thehill.com Indisputable Facts
3. investors.com Warm-ongers
4. washingtontimes.com
5. forbes.com Not Retreating
6. dailymail.co.uk Wrong
7. breitbart.com Deniers
8. heartland.org here
9. noteviljustwrong.com Just Wrong
10. wattsupwiththat.com Watts Up With That
11. livejournal.com Debunking
12. gazettextra.com
13. theglobeandmail.com Collapse
14. prisonplanet.com mistake
15. dailyexpress.co.uk 100 reasons
16. populartechnology.net
17. telegraph.co.uk falling
18. dailytech.com
19. newsbusters.org benefits
20. bbc.co.uk ever happened
21. greenhellblog.com here
22. msn.com scaled back
23. americanthinker.com this
24. senate.gov 400 scientists
25. aol.com Northeast
26. washingtonpost.com Palin right
27. natives.co.uk Record snowfall
28. petitionproject.org
29. news.com.au stopped warming
30. gallup.com
31. npr.org
32. siteexecutive.com rules the climate
33. wordpress.com hurricane damage
34. sermitsiaq.gl ice sheet
35. warwickhughes.com errors
36. nytimes.com NY Times
37. globalwarmingheartland.org blackballs
38. go.com
39. mac.com water vapor
40. martynemko.com questions
41. baltimoresun.com snowed out
42. junkscience.com Junkscience.com
43. co2science.org growing
44. bloomberg.com speaks
45. nationalpost.com exaggerated
46. foxnews.com blamed
47. noaa.gov
48. kusi.com ".
49. websitetonight.com
50. geocraft.com here
51. wikipedia.org NATURAL PROCESS
52. lomborg.com
53. coyoteblog.com here
54. animaltrips.com
