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8. glennbeck.com Glenn Beck
9. keywiki.org KeyWiki
10. nakedemperornews.com Naked Emperor News
11. blogspot.com Gateway Pundit
12. theblaze.com The Blaze
13. therightscoop.com The Right Scoop
14. townhall.com Townhall
15. washingtonpost.com Michael Kinsley
16. wordpress.com Creeping Sharia
17. wsj.com Peggy Noonan
18. davidlimbaugh.com David Limbaugh
19. dennismillerradio.com Dennis Miller
20. dailycaller.com The Daily Caller
21. nationalreview.com The Corner
22. rove.com Karl Rove
23. lauraingraham.com Laura Ingraham
24. marklevinshow.com Mark Levin
25. wnd.com Michael Savage
26. michellemalkin.com Michelle Malkin
27. rushlimbaugh.com Rush Limbaugh
28. talk2rusty.com Rusty Humphries
29. hannity.com Sean Hannity
30. gmu.edu Walter Williams
31. aolnews.com Alan Colmes
32. billmaher.com Bill Maher
33. pbs.org Bill Moyers
34. billpressshow.com Bill Press
35. msn.com Keith Olbermann
36. politicsdaily.com Politics Daily
37. mediamatters.org Eric Boehlert
38. nytimes.com Nicholas Kristof
39. slate.com MIckey Kaus
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48. americanthinker.com American Thinker
49. typepad.com Atlas Shrugs
50. bizarrereport.com Bizarre Report
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52. breitbart.tv Breitbart.tv
53. businessandmedia.org
54. buzzmachine.com BuzzMachine
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60. thefoxnation.com Fox Nation
61. hotair.com Hot Air
62. instapundit.com Instapundit
63. johnnydollar.us
64. leechild.com Lee Child
65. lostremote.com Lost Remote
66. mediaresearch.org
67. mediaite.com Mediaite
68. michaelyon-online.com Michael Yon
69. newsbusters.org NewsBusters
70. newsmax.com Newsmax
71. olbermannwatch.com Olbermann Watch
72. polijam.com PoliJAM
73. politico.com Politico
74. powip.com POWIP
75. propublica.org ProPublica
76. readwriteweb.com ReadWriteWeb
77. realclearpolitics.com
78. rightwingnews.com Right Wing News
79. salon.com Salon
80. wordpress.org Suggest Ideas
81. talkingpointsmemo.com
82. taxed2death.com Taxed2Death
83. techcrunch.com TechCrunch
84. thedailybeast.com The Daily Beast
85. heritage.org
86. thehill.com The Hill
87. huffingtonpost.com
88. thenewrepublic.com The New Republic
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90. mediabistro.com WebNewser
91. vinceflynn.com Vince Flynn
92. weaselzippers.us Weasel Zippers
93. weeklystandard.com Weekly Standard
94. carneyplusco.com Site by Carney+Co.
95. zazzle.com
