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1. fightforthefuture.org
2. facebook.com Facebook
3. usaction.org US Action
4. cloudflare.com
5. exposethetpp.org and more
6. bit.ly
7. savetheworldstopfasttrack.com
8. stopthesecrecy.net
9. twitter.com Tweet this!
10. cwa-union.org
11. citizenstrade.org
12. seashepherd.org Read more
13. ran.org
14. gmoactionalliance.com Read more
15. credoaction.com
16. flushthetpp.org
17. stopcorporateabuse.org Act now
18. pdamerica.org Tax Wall Street
19. iatp.org
20. demandprogress.org Read More
21. gmofreeusa.org Read More
22. thoughtworks.com ThoughtWorks
23. 350.org subject to attack
24. globalexchange.org
25. blogspot.com Read more
26. stpeteforpeace.org Read more
27. 350seattle.org
28. gjae.org [Read More]
29. unitedforaction.org United for Action
30. soaw.org Read More
31. techdirt.com TechDirt
32. fairworldproject.org
33. waterkeeper.org
34. okpirates.org Let them know!
35. salsalabs.com
36. participatorypolitics.org
37. boldprogressives.org
38. againstausterity.org economic rights
39. jwj.org Read more
40. washingtonfairtrade.org
41. nfu.org fair deal for all
42. machine.fm
43. labornotes.org
44. democracyforamerica.com Take action now!
45. ourfuture.org Read more
46. defendingdissent.org
47. naturalrevolution.org Read more.
48. wilpfus.org Read more
49. tradejustice.net
50. foe.org clicking here
51. sfvoices.org
52. gmoinside.org Read more
53. internationalrivers.org Find out more
54. workingfamilies.org Read more
55. lamav.com
56. witnessforpeace.org
57. afd-pdx.org Read more
58. marchagainstcorruption.com
59. gmofreeaz.org GMO Free Arizona
60. nugateway.com Read more
61. needtoknowmaryland.org Label GMOs
62. acornvt.org
63. movetoamendcentralohio.org Read more
64. counterpunch.org
65. carpny.org Read More
66. nycfriendsofclearwater.org Read More.
67. sumofus.org Read More
68. freedomhacker.net Freedom Hacker
69. occupy.com
70. buzzfeed.com AFL-CIO
71. huffingtonpost.com Sierra Club
72. teamster.org Teamsters
73. truth-out.org
74. imgur.com Imgur
