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1. houseofmove.com Comments RSS
2. libsyn.com Podcast
3. ustream.tv UStream channel
4. eveonline.com Eve Online
5. youtube.com I hate you Dave
6. vimeo.com wonderful tribute
7. slashfilm.com Slashfilm
8. webcomicsonline.com Mike Witmer
9. drawnbysuccess.com article here.
10. osu.edu
11. sheldoncomics.com In his own words:
12. talltalefeatures.com Tall Tale Radio
13. cartoonbrew.com Cartoon Brew
14. redsplanet.com Eddie Pittman
15. apple.com
16. moon-town.com Moon Town
17. blogspot.com The Process Diary
18. ionagroup.com The Iona Group
19. bradley.edu Bradley University
20. animationpodcast.com Animation Podcast
21. animwatch.com Animwatch
22. cgsociety.org CGSociety
23. drawn.ca Drawn!
24. visualrinse.com Visualrinse
25. delicious.com
26. flickr.com My Flickr Page
27. digg.com What do I digg?
28. wordpress.org WordPress.org
