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No. 链出域名 关键词
1. amazon.com
2. google.com Google Scholar
3. lth.se
4. erichaines.com
5. renderwonk.com Naty Hoffman
6. akpeters.com
7. books24x7.com Books24x7
8. wikipedia.org the wikipedia page
9. gamedevmap.com Here
10. szeliski.org download for free
11. oreilly.com read for free
12. gpwiki.org read for free
13. gamedev.net Graphics area
14. nvidia.com from NVIDIA
15. acm.org
16. upenn.edu download for free
17. microsoft.com
18. msdn.com DirectX blog
19. xnagamefest.com
20. amd.com ShaderAnalyzer
21. blogspot.com Gates 381
22. xmission.com surface smoothing
23. codesampler.com CodeSampler.com
24. humus.name gives a rundown
25. ziggyware.com
26. amsnet.pl
27. opengl.org available online
28. glprogramming.com available online
29. typhoonlabs.com TyphoonLabs
30. nullterminator.net
31. lighthouse3d.com GLUT Tutorial
32. delphi3d.net
33. elf-stone.com GLee
34. sourceforge.net Maxima
35. unc.edu
36. fltk.org Fast Light Toolkit
37. starstonesoftware.com website
38. sgi.com Open Inventor
39. yahoo.com
40. graphcomp.com POGL
41. maruhn.com CPAN's Perl-OpenGL
42. khronos.org OpenGL ES
43. oolongengine.com Oolong engine
44. dsbox.com miniGL
45. free.fr tinyGL
46. geuz.org GL2PS
47. macdx.com MacDx
48. paradise.net.nz OpenGL on the Mac
49. apple.com
50. devmaster.net current 3D engines
51. garagegames.com
52. unm.edu 3D killer app
53. idsoftware.com Quake
54. ioquake3.org ioquake3 site
55. doomworld.com ports of DOOM
56. geeks3d.com GPU Caps Viewer
57. mamedev.org MAME
58. mame.net digital camera
59. unrealtechnology.com Unreal engine
60. gamasutra.com Programming area
61. crytek.com Crytek's site
62. emergent.net Gamebryo
63. openscenegraph.org Open Scene Graph
64. coin3d.org Coin
65. hoops3d.com
66. cbloom.com
67. transgaming.com SwiftShader
68. 3dshaders.com 3D Shaders
69. renderman.org Renderman.org site
70. libsh.org Sh
71. firingsquad.com
72. brown.edu Exploratory
73. inesc.pt writing shaders
74. wolfire.com here
75. geometrictools.com Dave Eberly's site
76. animats.com C++ version
77. intel.com this article
78. sjbaker.org Utah Teapot
79. siggraph.org
80. mit.edu
81. comcast.net his view
82. poynton.com
83. chriscox.org Chris Cox
84. cornell.edu Cornell
85. bberger.net Robert Berger
86. antigrain.com
87. mac.com on this page
88. nhancer.com
89. extremetech.com article
90. epicgames.com
91. psu.edu CiteSeer
92. usc.edu
93. sxc.hu stock.xchng
94. terathon.com
95. bme.hu thorough survey
96. cmu.edu Triangle
97. graficaobscura.com
98. ufrgs.br
99. silverspaceship.com An implementation
100. kuleuven.ac.be
101. arizona.edu
102. cvrl.org CVRL website
103. rit.edu
104. tuwien.ac.at Hadwiger
105. efg2.com
106. gsu.edu
107. brucelindbloom.com
108. fourcc.org some useful notes
109. columbia.edu Columbia-Utrecht
110. coretechniques.info
111. cybergooch.com detailed article
112. debevec.org HDRShop program
113. brainwagon.org
114. meshula.net meshula.net
115. incgamers.com uses SSAO
116. aras-p.info discusses blurring
117. scenesp.org Another approach
118. daionet.gr.jp classic demo
119. vrsource.org summary page
120. beyond3d.com here
121. hax.fi here
122. imag.fr list
123. openworlds.com his site
124. gpgpu.org GPGPU.org
125. ucf.edu
126. harvard.edu visualization
127. pcgameshardware.de
128. geomerics.com video
129. jistyles.com J.I. Styles
130. tgdaily.com Daniel Pohl
131. idfun.de his site
132. pcper.com John Carmack
133. nhtv.nl Arauna
134. openrt.de OpenRT
135. ompf.org
136. illuminatelabs.com gallery of images
137. worldserver.com
138. ivrpa.org IVRPA
139. cornflex.org panorama video
140. ofb.net clouds page
141. geocities.com free program
142. auc.dk
143. nathanm.com
144. mouaif.org GLSL shaders
145. hdrlabs.com
146. 360cities.net 360 Cities
147. stereopsis.com Photoshop plugins
148. openexr.com OpenEXR
149. edusworld.org is discussed
150. valvesoftware.com Valve
151. uni-magdeburg.de
152. red3d.com NPR resources page
153. utah.edu BibTex entries
154. wisc.edu NPRQuake
155. stanford.edu
156. smith.edu O'Rourke
157. flipcode.com 3D geometry primer
158. cgal.org CGAL
159. meshlab.org MeshLab
160. amillionpixels.us much else
161. wotsit.org Wotsit's Format
162. martinreddy.net
163. cadcamcenter.com
164. collada.org COLLADA
165. 3dlinks.com
166. gatech.edu
167. turbosquid.com Turbo Squid
168. 3dvia.com 3dvia
169. virginia.edu Luebke's
170. uiuc.edu lectures page
171. cognigraph.com ROAM 2
172. plunk.org stripification
173. vterrain.org
174. cubic.org
175. mtu.edu
176. caltech.edu
177. subdivision.org
178. nyu.edu
179. paulsprojects.net
180. nar-associates.com
181. lodbook.com
182. umd.edu applets
183. byte.com
184. bluesnews.com quake notes
185. bit-tech.net An article
186. arius3d.com Pointstream
187. ethz.ch Pointshop3D
188. wordpress.com outsider's view
189. entechtaiwan.com PowerStrip
190. valgrind.org Valgrind
191. automatedqa.com AQTime
192. testingfaqs.org other profilers
193. boost.org Boost
194. dyndns.org
195. realtimecollisiondetection.net followup article
196. gotw.ca
197. threadingbuildingblocks.org
198. yougamers.com
199. ddj.com third
200. archive.org
201. softsurfer.com
202. ravensoft.com
203. bulletphysics.com
204. uni-dortmund.de a set of tutorials
205. youtube.com YouTube
206. dtecta.com SOLID
207. merl.com V-clip
208. codercorner.com OPCODE
209. q12.org ODE
210. photoneffect.com ColDet
211. havok.com Havok
212. qhull.org Qhull
213. sunysb.edu
214. wegame.com
215. kotaku.com
216. steampowered.com hardware survey
217. tweaktown.com
218. techpowerup.com GPU-Z
219. techarp.com Tech ARP
220. accelenation.com
221. maximumpc.com
222. osu.edu
223. arstechnica.com Paedia
224. patentarcade.com Patent Arcade
225. d6.com Chris Hecker
226. icare3d.org
227. 3dvelocity.com this
228. techreport.com this
229. ucdavis.edu
230. slizone.com
231. futuremark.com
232. pcworld.com
233. fraps.com FRAPS
234. hyperionics.com HyperCam
235. ozone3d.net FurMark
236. tcd.ie
237. emulator-zone.com Emulator Zone
238. planet.nl
239. gdmag.com code archive
240. gamesindustry.biz GamesIndustry
241. gdconf.com
242. stevehollasch.com Steve Hollasch
243. flickr.com Pixar's renderfarm
244. scene.org Scene.org
245. pouet.net Pouët
246. machinima.com Machinima
247. insomniacgames.com Insomniac Games
248. scea.com
249. crysis-online.com technology talks
250. gamespot.com Gamespot
251. 1up.com 1UP
252. ign.com IGN
253. gamespy.com GameSpy
254. gamesradar.com Games Radar
255. ugo.com UGO
256. metacritic.com Metacritic
257. gamerankings.com GameRankings.com
258. vgchartz.com VG Chartz
259. fileplanet.com FilePlanet
260. nzone.com
261. mr.net ASCII
262. wolfram.com
263. cut-the-knot.org Cut the Knot
264. aol.com Math Word site
265. falstad.com
266. math2.org Dave's Math Tables
267. introgamedev.com IntroGameDev
268. aiwisdom.com AI Wisdom
269. uka.de
270. computer.org
271. cloudflare.com Naty
