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No. 链出域名 关键词
1. alternet.org AlterNet
2. freethoughtblogs.com Pharyngula
3. playwithdeath.com
4. improbable.com The publication is
5. xkcd.com XKCD
6. warrenellis.com
7. billnye.com
8. wikipedia.org
9. newrepublic.com
10. theness.com
11. buzzfeed.com here in comic form
12. rationalwiki.org Sophisticated
13. blogspot.ca The Reason Stick
14. thestar.com
15. patheos.com YEC
16. pewresearch.org
17. wordpress.com The Bronze Blog
18. lesswrong.com
19. blogs.com Skeptico
20. amazon.com Amazon
21. venganza.org
22. bbc.co.uk
23. geekinheels.com
24. truth-out.org
25. slate.com
26. newyorker.com
27. deathandtaxesmag.com
28. cnn.com
29. stopsylvia.com Montel Williams
30. csicop.org
31. kanjijapanese.com Kukouro
32. jnto.go.jp Kukoura
33. landoverbaptist.org Exodus 22:18
34. basementrug.com basement rug
35. youaredumb.net You are Dumb
36. actfortheearth.org
37. nowtoronto.com Now
38. respectfulinsolence.com
39. truthout.org Truthout
40. whyevolutionistrue.com
41. wordpress.org
