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1. microsoft.com upgrade
2. firefox.com Firefox
3. google.com Chrome
4. apple.com Safari
5. opera.com Opera
6. nytimes.com underwhelmed.
7. politifact.com this in 2013
8. huffingtonpost.com show off
9. yale.edu
10. reuters.com already wrote
11. bloomberg.com some point
12. niemanlab.org
13. cornell.edu calls
14. capitalnewyork.com The Masthead
15. twitter.com Tweet
16. pando.com the handling
17. pulitzer.org The Pulitzers
18. blogspot.com.br said this
19. theguardian.com developments
20. hulu.com not coming to him
21. fargo.io Fargo
22. smallpict.com here
23. igniteshow.com this video
24. pbs.org speaks
25. brianstelter.com hosts
26. searchengineland.com
27. stratechery.com
28. newsdeeply.com News Deeply
29. syriadeeply.org Syria Deeply
30. worldpolicy.org this mission.
31. fivethirtyeight.com What the Fox Knows
32. scripting.com recently wrote
33. marginalrevolution.com not impressed
34. motherjones.com was skeptical
35. gigaom.com assessment
36. t.co
37. nymag.com
38. newrepublic.com
39. theweek.com
40. bloombergview.com Bloomberg View
41. columbia.edu forthcoming book
42. cupblog.org
43. newsweek.com This
44. cdixon.org explains his
45. reddit.com thought
46. ap.org told
47. leahmcgrathgoodman.com nominated you
48. mediagazer.com these stacks
49. mashable.com know
50. businessinsider.com sold for $1
51. arstechnica.com
52. bbc.co.uk famous
53. slate.com did that
54. telegraph.co.uk admitted
55. nbcnews.com news story
56. climatecentral.org
57. washingtonpost.com click this link
58. stanford.edu this study
59. thinkprogress.org benefits
60. firstlook.org
61. newyorker.com
62. vimeo.com the video
63. washingtonian.com exact words
64. theverge.com try his idea
65. archive.org All Things Digital
66. recode.net Recode.net
67. wsj.com WSJ: D
68. wordpress.com my term
69. ucla.edu famous essay
70. cloudflare.com Email PressThink
71. nyu.edu
72. 40twits.com
73. rebootnews.com
74. posterous.com
75. tumblr.com
76. wordpress.org Wordpress
