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15. artphototravel.net Art Photo Travel
16. improbable.com
17. wordpress.com
18. wikia.com
19. umn.edu
20. powells.com
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22. nature.com Nature Network
23. richarddawkins.net RichardDawkins.net
24. facebook.com facebook
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27. atheistnexus.org Atheist Nexus
28. mibbit.com
29. about.com
30. outcampaign.org
31. au.org Americans United
32. atheists.org American Atheists
33. americanhumanist.org
34. atheistalliance.org
35. canadianatheist.com Canadian Atheist
36. choiceindying.com Choice in Dying
37. patheos.com
38. exmna.org
39. centerforinquiry.net The Morning Heresy
40. jesusandmo.net Jesus and Mo
41. mnatheists.org Minnesota Atheists
42. blogspot.com
43. thejenome.com The Jenome
44. amptoons.com Alas! A blog
45. esquire.com Charles P. Pierce
46. evolvingthoughts.net Evolving Thoughts
47. iblamethepatriarchy.com
48. nielsenhayden.com Making Light
49. rawstory.com Pandagon
50. sadlyno.com Sadly, No!
51. skepticalhumanities.com
52. feministhivemind.com
53. wehuntedthemammoth.com
54. womanist-musings.com Womanist Musings
55. coyot.es Coyote Crossing
56. discovermagazine.com Discover blogs
57. evolverzone.com Genomicron
58. tumblr.com
59. ncse.com NCSE
60. pandasthumb.org Panda's Thumb
61. preposterousuniverse.com
62. scientificamerican.com SciAm blogs
63. sunclipse.org
64. scientopia.org Scientopia
65. skullsinthestars.com
66. whatsinjohnsfreezer.com
67. robertsaunders.org.uk Wonderful Life
68. skepchick.org Skepchick
69. atheistcensus.com
70. indiegogo.com
71. secularconference.com
72. necss.org
73. womeninsecularism.org
74. imaginenoreligion.ca
75. humanismatwork.org
76. wordpress.org Graphene
77. statcounter.com
