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1. nytimes.com
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3. crowdedfiction.com Joe Booth
4. huffingtonpost.com (readmore…)
5. ibt.com IBT Media
6. tumblr.com Tumblr
7. booklr.com Booklr
8. publishersweekly.com more…
9. io9.com
10. itsokaytobesmart.com
11. digitalbookworld.com readmore…
12. latimes.com
13. full-stop.net Full Stop
14. criticalflame.org The Critical Flame
15. therumpus.net The Rumpus
16. twitter.com Twitter
17. noodle.org
18. deviantart.com print
19. dftba.com
20. briandettmer.com Brian Dettmer
21. youtube.com YouTube
22. infoneer.net
23. lareviewofbooks.org
24. thisiscatalogue.co.uk
25. betterbooktitles.com
26. askdandelion.com
27. bookmania.me
28. bookstorey.co.uk
29. lookslikelibraryscience.com
30. instapaper.com
31. jellybooks.com
32. startupquote.com
33. bookstairs.com
34. undergroundnewyorkpubliclibrary.com
35. onthebrod.com
36. sleepoversf.com Sleepover
