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No. 链出域名 关键词
1. twitter.com twitter
2. ssireview.org collective impact
3. pinehq.com Pine
4. igniter.com Igniter
5. wikipedia.org
6. nominettrust.org.uk Nominet Trust
7. marsdd.com MaRS
8. nesta.org.uk
9. biglotteryfund.org.uk Big Lottery Fund
10. unltd.org.uk UNLTD
11. thepointpeople.com the Point People
12. socialinnovationexchange.org
13. webscience.org
14. slideshare.net social machines
15. techsoupglobal.org BRIDGE
16. casefoundation.org GivingGraph
17. marketsforgood.org
18. ippr.org
19. acm.org
20. doi.gov
21. wbur.org
22. bbc.co.uk
23. oxfordjournals.org old ideas
24. gizmodo.com
25. fixmystreet.com Fix My Street
26. innoweave.ca Innoweave
27. nationbuilder.com NationBuilder
28. openideo.com OpenIDEO
29. ashoka.org Ashoka
30. mcconnellfoundation.ca
31. socialsca.pe socialsca.pe
32. networkweaving.com network weaving
33. mcdonalds.ca
34. tribalddb.com Tribal DDB
35. cihi.ca
36. normativedesign.com Normative Design
37. tumblr.com Macroshift
38. usv.com
39. flipboard.com flipboard
40. ycombinator.com hacker news
41. disqus.com Disqus
42. zemanta.com
43. sigeneration.ca observes
44. youngfoundation.org Young Foundation
45. tyze.com Tyze
46. plan.ca PLAN
47. amazon.com
48. apple.com DrawSomething
49. stackexchange.com
50. kk.org
51. cluetrain.com Rick Levine
52. businessinsider.com
53. garyhamel.com Gary Hamel
54. johnhagel.com Hagel
55. johnseelybrown.com Seely Brown
56. linkedin.com Davison
57. edgeperspectives.com
58. ted.com The Earth is Full
59. scientificamerican.com
60. typepad.com
61. nytimes.com How We Roll
62. msn.com
