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1. tinyurl.com IHP!
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3. google.com FeedBurner
4. amazon.com Amazon.com Widgets
5. barnesandnoble.com
6. brightsightgroup.com
7. nationalpost.com
8. scoffery.com Scoffery.com
9. audible.com
10. ihatepeople.biz
11. paigel.com
12. westofmars.com West of Mars
13. actsofhate.com Acts Of Hate
14. wordpress.com BrightSight Group
15. businesspundit.com Business Pundit
16. drownout.com Drownout.com
17. fistfuloftalent.com Fistful of Talent
18. nytimes.com told
19. blogspot.com
20. gruntledemployees.com Gruntled Employees
21. guykawasaki.com
22. learntoduck.com Learn to Duck
23. management-issues.com
24. myglobalcareer.com My Global Career
25. personalbrandingblog.com
26. thecynicalgirl.com The Cynical Girl
27. bit.ly Ranker
28. rockandrollmama.com Rock & Roll Mama
29. stuffwhitepeoplelike.com
30. fourhourworkweek.com
31. anti9to5guide.com
32. theantipimp.com The Anti-Pimp
33. bnet.com The Corner Office
34. squidoo.com
35. yourhrguy.com Your HR Guy
36. ning.com
37. facebook.com
38. twitter.com
39. yahoo.com
40. 43things.com
41. delicious.com
42. digg.com Digg: HatingPeople
43. goodreads.com
44. feedburner.com
45. sitemeter.com
46. lexiconbranding.com Lexicon Blog
47. destasph.com
48. cnn.com swallowed up
49. computerweekly.com declared
50. idg.com.au telling them
51. readwriteweb.com dubbing
52. reuters.com downgraded
53. chicagotribune.com reportedly
54. desktopreview.com passed
55. ubergizmo.com derided
56. huffingtonpost.com
57. 9news.com
58. digitaltrends.com
59. youtube.com
60. changethis.com
61. thedailymba.com The Daily MBA
62. dmoplanner.com DMO Planner
63. shiftboard.com shiftboard
64. 800ceoread.com
65. cafepress.com
66. businessinsider.com
67. networkedblogs.com Follow this blog
68. quantcast.com
