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No. 链出域名 关键词
1. wikipedia.org
2. nasa.gov solar winds
3. scribd.com John Dodds
4. wordpress.com this
5. wattsupwiththat.com Watts up with that
6. thesydneyinstitute.com.au this
7. newswise.com This
8. osu.edu this
9. geocraft.com p.90
10. appinsys.com this
11. c3headlines.com this
12. co2science.org warmer
13. metapress.com this
14. uah.edu here
15. rochester.edu detailed analysis
16. pnas.org this
17. earthscrust.org
18. umich.edu here
19. ipcc.ch IPCC AR4
20. climate4you.com
21. climatedepot.com here
22. theaustralian.com.au others
23. drroyspencer.com this
24. discovery.com 30cm
25. solarchords.com Fred Bailey's
26. nextearthquake.com this
27. earths-magnetic-field-and-how-it-reverses-and-more.com this
28. newscientist.com this
29. icr.org cosmic rays
30. cern.ch CLOUD
31. gurroa.cz
32. climate-change-theory.com
33. climaterealists.com this
34. reportingclimatescience.com this
35. kth.se here
36. principia-scientific.org READ PAPER
37. tasmania-holiday.com
38. uchicago.edu This
39. hawaii.edu 25 deg.C
40. weathercity.com 31 to 32
41. skepticalscience.com
42. ilovemycarbondioxide.com
43. youtu.be WATCH VIDEO
44. amazon.com
