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10. bbc.com King Juan Carlos
11. amazon.com A Farewell to Arms
12. thedailybeast.com Megan McArdle
13. newrepublic.com
14. theguardian.com breathtaking
15. smh.com.au the first day
16. poetryfoundation.org
17. emmgryner.com Emm Gryner
18. idlewords.com Maciej Ceglowski
19. blogspot.de stop and go
20. imdb.com WALL-E
21. recode.net Liz Gannes
22. nasa.gov
23. brothersmcleod.co.uk
24. tufts.edu Maryanne Wolf
25. harvard.edu
26. blogs.com A VC
27. craigmod.com @craigmod
28. achgut.com Achse des Guten
29. samizdata.net Adriana Cronin
30. spectator.co.uk Coffee House
31. dashes.com Anil Dash
32. blogspot.com
33. newcriterion.com Armavirumque
34. aldaily.com
35. becker-posner-blog.com Becker-Posner
36. bigquestionsonline.com
37. weeklystandard.com Blog Standard
38. codinghorror.com Coding Horror
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40. commentarymagazine.com Commentary
41. foreignpolicy.com FP Passport
42. daringfireball.net Daring Fireball
43. davidmcwilliams.ie David McWilliams
44. drownedinsound.com Drowned in Sound
45. drudgereport.com Drudge Report
46. eureferendum.com EU Referendum
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48. fistfulofeuros.net Fistful of Euros
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51. futurepundit.com Future pundit
52. ft.com Gideon Rachman
53. gigaom.com GigaOM
54. order-order.com Guido Fawkes
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56. hotair.com Hot Air
57. cringely.com I, Cringely
58. instapundit.com Instapundit
59. theatlantic.com James Fallows
60. buzzmachine.com Jeff Jarvis
61. jimromenesko.com Jim Romenesko
62. kottke.org Kottke
63. marco.org Marco Arment
64. mcsweeneys.net McSweeney's
65. michaeltotten.com Michael J. Totten
66. michellemalkin.com Michelle Malkin
67. dailycaller.com Mickey Kaus
68. mondaynote.com Monday Note
69. n7w.com New7Wonders
70. nybooks.com NYR Blog
71. perezhilton.com Perez Hilton
72. mailonsunday.co.uk Peter Hitchens
73. pitchfork.com Pitchfork
74. professorbainbridge.com
75. realclearpolitics.com
76. scobleizer.com Robert Scoble
77. sluggerotoole.com
78. smashingmagazine.com Smashing Magazine
79. swiss-miss.com Swiss Miss
80. theamericanscene.com The American Scene
81. thecommentator.com The Commentator
82. nationalreview.com The Corner
83. thedw.us The Daily What
84. thediplomat.com The Diplomat
85. american.com
86. the-american-interest.com The Feed
87. scienceblogs.com The Frontal Cortex
88. annehodgson.de The Island Weekly
89. wordpress.com The Last Arena
90. spectator.org The Spectacle
91. news.com.au Tim Blair
92. trendingcentral.com Trending Central
93. dynamist.com Virginia Postrel
94. wsj.com WSJ.D
95. zeldman.com Zeldman
96. zerohedge.com Zero Hedge
97. akismet.com
