1. |
esquire.com |
2. |
rochester.edu |
their strategy |
3. |
writersdigest.com |
4. |
nytimes.com |
Paper Cuts |
5. |
publishersweekly.com |
ShelfTalker |
6. |
telegraph.co.uk |
7. |
wattpad.com |
8. |
twitter.com |
9. |
facebook.com |
10. |
blogspot.com |
11. |
wordpress.com |
12. |
blackplasticglasses.com |
13. |
booksquare.com |
Book Square |
14. |
bookgasm.com |
Bookgasm |
15. |
bookslut.com |
Bookslut |
16. |
typepad.com |
17. |
livejournal.com |
18. |
ew.com |
19. |
mediabistro.com |
Media Bistro |
20. |
gawker.com |
Gawker |
21. |
kirkusreviews.com |
Kirkus |
22. |
maudnewton.com |
Maud Newton |
23. |
mobileread.com |
Mobile Read |
24. |
nathanbransford.com |
25. |
observer.com |
New York Observer |
26. |
npr.org |
27. |
perigeebooks.com |
Perigee Bookmarks |
28. |
photozero.net |
Photozero.net |
29. |
politicalwire.com |
Political Wire |
30. |
publishersmarketplace.com |
31. |
publishingperspectives.com |
32. |
slate.com |
Slate |
33. |
smartbitchestrashybooks.com |
34. |
maggiehilliard.com |
Some Stuff I Like |
35. |
teleread.org |
TeleRead |
36. |
thedailybeast.com |
The Daily Beast |
37. |
thedebutanteball.com |
The Debutante Ball |
38. |
blogs.com |
39. |
huffingtonpost.com |
40. |
idealog.com |
The IdeaLogical |
41. |
latimes.com |
42. |
newyorker.com |
43. |
wsj.com |
44. |
wowowow.com |
WowOwow |
45. |
guidetoliteraryagents.com |
46. |
yahoo.com |
47. |
vertex10.com |
Vertex 10 |