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No. 链出域名 关键词
1. esquire.com
2. rochester.edu their strategy
3. writersdigest.com
4. nytimes.com Paper Cuts
5. publishersweekly.com ShelfTalker
6. telegraph.co.uk
7. wattpad.com
8. twitter.com
9. facebook.com
10. blogspot.com
11. wordpress.com
12. blackplasticglasses.com
13. booksquare.com Book Square
14. bookgasm.com Bookgasm
15. bookslut.com Bookslut
16. typepad.com
17. livejournal.com
18. ew.com
19. mediabistro.com Media Bistro
20. gawker.com Gawker
21. kirkusreviews.com Kirkus
22. maudnewton.com Maud Newton
23. mobileread.com Mobile Read
24. nathanbransford.com
25. observer.com New York Observer
26. npr.org
27. perigeebooks.com Perigee Bookmarks
28. photozero.net Photozero.net
29. politicalwire.com Political Wire
30. publishersmarketplace.com
31. publishingperspectives.com
32. slate.com Slate
33. smartbitchestrashybooks.com
34. maggiehilliard.com Some Stuff I Like
35. teleread.org TeleRead
36. thedailybeast.com The Daily Beast
37. thedebutanteball.com The Debutante Ball
38. blogs.com
39. huffingtonpost.com
40. idealog.com The IdeaLogical
41. latimes.com
42. newyorker.com
43. wsj.com
44. wowowow.com WowOwow
45. guidetoliteraryagents.com
46. yahoo.com
47. vertex10.com Vertex 10
