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No. 链出域名 关键词
1. coactivate.org OpenCore
2. theverge.com
3. thedailyblog.co.nz
4. mako.cc Benjamin Mako Hill
5. linuxluddites.com
6. wordpress.com
7. gnu.org Savannah
8. safer-networking.org
9. piriform.com
10. inet.fi
11. avast.com Avast Anti-Virus
12. linux.com
13. kotaweaver.com
14. narod.ru
15. youtube.com Gift
16. vodo.net Us Now
17. vimeo.com True Skin
18. replicant.us Replicant
19. mozilla.org FirefoxOS
20. goodreads.com
21. indiegamethemovie.com
22. otago.ac.nz this campus map
23. noliberties.com Taking Liberties
24. archive.org Free the Network
25. freeculture.org
26. pirateparty.org.nz Pirate Party of NZ
27. hermetic.com Pirate Utopias
28. indymedia.org Aotearoa Indymedia
29. ballanz.co.nz BallaNZ
30. realsolutions.org.nz
31. creativecommons.org.nz
32. creativefreedom.org.nz
33. blogspot.com OpenDotDotDot
34. internetnz.net.nz InternetNZ
35. blogger.com
36. linux.net.nz Linux.net.nz
37. le.org.nz Living Economies
38. radio4all.net Matrix FM
39. newitmake.org.nz New It Make
40. pundit.co.nz Nicky Hagar
41. nzccl.org.nz
42. makers.org.nz NZ Makers
43. nzosa.org.nz
44. owoot.org
45. open.org.nz
46. nzoss.org.nz
47. openureyes.org.nz Open Ur Eyes
48. organicdesign.org.nz OrganicDesign
49. permaculture.org.nz Permaculture in NZ
50. radioheritage.net
51. lumiere.net.nz Regulation
52. scoop.co.nz Scoop
53. techliberty.org.nz Tech Liberty
54. timebank.org.nz Timebank Aotearoa
55. transitiontowns.org.nz
56. uncensored.co.nz
57. zenbu.co.nz Zenbu
58. abject.ca Abject
59. arstechnica.com Ars Technica
60. autonomo.us Autonomo.us
61. actrix.co.nz Banjo - RoboBlog
62. boingboing.net Boing Boing
63. chokepointproject.net
64. creativecommons.org
65. cryptogon.com Cryptogon
66. disinfo.com Disinfo
67. freedomboxfoundation.org
68. gondwanaland.com
69. icommons.org iCommons
70. futureofthebook.org
71. internetgovernance.org
72. opencontent.org
73. keionline.org
74. linkedlistcorruption.com
75. blogspot.co.nz
76. livedistro.org LiveDistro
77. nzmis.maori.nz
78. oreilly.com O'Reilly Radar
79. okfn.org
80. openrightsgroup.org Open Rights Group
81. opensocialweb.org Open Social Web
82. opensourcefood.com Open Source Food
83. openvideoalliance.org
84. questioncopyright.org Question Copyright
85. shareable.net Shareable
86. slashdot.org Slashdot
87. stream0.org Stream #0
88. sustento.org.nz Sustento Institute
89. techrights.org TechRights
90. torrentfreak.com TorrentFreak
91. uniteddiversity.com United Diversity
92. github.com GITHub
93. gitorious.org Gotorious
94. sourceforge.net Sourceforge
95. ftpf.org
96. mutualgift.net Libre-Living
97. theselc.org
98. indiewebcamp.com IndieWebCamp
99. dyne.org Dyne Foundation
100. showmedo.com Show Me Do
101. wikileaks.org WikiLeaks
102. engagemedia.org EngageMedia
103. openleaks.org OpenLeaks
104. greenstage.co.nz GreenStage
105. renewablepcs.com Renewable PCs
106. participedia.net Participedia
107. sunlightfoundation.com
108. cpsr.org
109. eff.org
110. freenetworkfoundation.org
111. fsf.org LibrePlanet
112. identitycommons.net Identity Commons
113. ietf.org
114. isacommons.org ISA Commons
115. drumbeat.org Mozilla Drumbeat
116. openarchitecturenetwork.org
117. openarchives.org
118. openwebfoundation.org
119. opencorporates.com OpenCorporates
120. openhatch.org OpenHatch
121. participatoryculture.org
122. citizen.org Public Citizen
123. publicknowledge.org Public Knowledge
124. pubpat.org
125. riseup.net RiseUp
126. sciencecommons.org Science Commons
127. w3.org
128. xiph.org Xiph.org
129. xmpp.org
130. bitcoin.org BitCoin
131. p2pfoundation.net
132. freecoin.ch FreeCoin
133. appropedia.org Appropedia
134. futurescenarios.org Future Scenarios
135. openhandproject.org Open Hand Project
136. dataliberation.org
137. geonames.org GeoNames
138. lorea.cc Lorea
139. opensourceecology.org
140. openstreetmap.org Open Street Map
141. webplatform.org Web Platform
142. instructables.com Instructables
143. sourcewatch.org SourceWatch
144. wikieducator.org WikiEducator
