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1. twitter.com
2. feedburner.com
3. nydailynews.com
4. wsj.com
5. globalpost.com
6. buzzfeed.com
7. thefederalist.com
8. csmonitor.com
9. patheos.com
10. washingtonpost.com
11. theatlantic.com
12. bbc.com
13. mu.nu Jawa Report
14. blogspot.com ¡NoPasarán!
15. investors.com Andrew Malcolm
16. andrewmarcus.com Andrew Marcus
17. biggovernment.com BigGovernment.com
18. dailycaller.com Daily Caller
19. hoover.org Defining Ideas
20. dougpowers.com Doug Powers
21. townhall.com Advertise
22. electionprojection.com ElectionProjection
23. brain-terminal.com Evan Coyne Maloney
24. faustasblog.com Fausta's Blog
25. thegatewaypundit.com Gateway Pundit
26. jeffdunetz.com Jeff Dunetz
27. lashawnbarber.com
28. legalinsurrection.com
29. libertyunyielding.com Liberty Unyielding
30. mattlewis.org Matt Lewis
31. michellemalkin.com Michelle Malkin
32. newsbusters.org Newsbusters
33. nranews.com NRA News
34. patterico.com Patterico
35. powerlineblog.com Power Line
36. punditandpundette.com
37. realclearpolitics.com
38. ricochet.com Ricochet
39. rightwingnews.com Right Wing News
40. bearingarms.com Second Amendment
41. theothermccain.com The Other McCain
42. shark-tank.net The Shark Tank
43. sundriesshack.com The Sundries Shack
44. usconstitution.com U.S. Constitution
45. bloggingheads.tv BloggingHeads TV
46. current.tv
47. jihadwatch.org Jihad Watch
48. counterterrorismblog.org
49. masih.tv Masih TV
50. memritv.org MEMRI TV
51. michaelyon-online.com Michael Yon
52. nefafoundation.org NEFA Foundation
53. zombietime.com Zombie
54. ashbrook.org Ashbrook podcasts
55. blogtalkradio.com Blogtalkradio
56. instapundit.com Instapundit
57. scrappleface.com Scrappleface
58. snnsite.com Shire Network News
59. freedomcards.com
60. daybydaycartoon.com Day by Day
61. jewishworldreview.com Mallard Fillmore
62. happyslip.com Happy Slip
63. johnhanlonreviews.com
64. eddriscoll.com Ed Driscoll
65. jimtreacher.com Jim Treacher
66. johnnydollar.us Johnny Dollar
67. olbermannwatch.com Olbermann Watch
68. rogerlsimon.com Roger L. Simon
69. drudgereport.com Drudge Report
70. linkiest.com Linkiest
71. lucianne.com Lucianne
72. memeorandum.com Memeorandum
73. twitchy.com Twitchy
74. hughhewitt.com Hugh Hewitt
75. kfi640.com
76. kirbytalk.com Kirby Wilbur
77. larslarson.com Lars Larson
78. lauraingraham.com Laura Ingraham
79. marklevinshow.com Mark Levin
80. wtkk.com Michael Graham
81. mastalk.com Michael Smerconish
82. mikeonline.com Mike Gallagher
83. radioviceonline.com Radio Vice Online
84. rogerhedgecock.com Roger Hedgecock
85. rushlimbaugh.com Rush Limbaugh
86. hannity.com Sean Hannity
87. tammybruce.com Tammy Bruce
88. lundesigns.com David Lunde
89. investigativeproject.org
90. suitablyflip.com Suitably Flip
91. google.com
92. theblogstudio.com The Blog Studio
