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1. climatemarch.org
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3. iowadotmaps.com
4. state.ia.us
5. iowa.gov
6. dfalink.com DFA Link
7. capwiz.com
8. legistorm.com Legistorm
9. mediamatters.org MediaMatters.org
10. vote-smart.org Vote Smart
11. americanprogress.org
12. sunlightlabs.org
13. congress.org
14. organizersdb.org
15. democrats.org Democratic Agenda
16. berkeley.edu
17. blogspot.com State 29
18. yahoo.com
19. ibltv.org
20. fair.org
21. freepress.net Free Press
22. newscorpse.com News Corpse
23. prometheusradio.org
24. radio4people.org Radio for People
25. savetheinternet.com Save the Internet
26. savethenews.org Save the News
27. alternet.org Alternet
28. blackcommentator.com Black Commentator
29. buzzflash.com Buzz Flash
30. commondreams.org Common Dreams
31. thememoryhole.org Memory Hole
32. populist.com
33. scoop.co.nz Scoop
34. nirs.org
35. nexteraenergyresources.com own nuclear plant
36. salsalabs.com
37. delicious.com
38. digg.com Digg this post
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40. reddit.com share via Reddit
41. stumbleupon.com
42. whitehouse.gov here
43. uiowa.edu tuition was
44. senate.gov recent report
45. salon.com article
46. insidehighered.com quick to report
47. bostonglobe.com here to study up.
48. mowrerforiowa.com
49. wikipedia.org Storm Lake Times
50. stormlake.com entire letter
51. rollcall.com recent promotion
52. desmoinesregister.com highlighted
53. loras.edu Loras College poll
54. epa.gov here
55. washingtonpost.com
56. climate911.org Climate 911
57. ucsusa.org
58. ca.gov
59. thesolutionsproject.org 50 state plans
60. barackobama.com here
61. huffingtonpost.com here
62. aei-ideas.org Carpe Diem Blog
63. acpedcampaign.org
64. allamakee.ia.us
65. democracyforamerica.com
66. iowavoters.org
67. bleedingheartland.com Bleeding Heartland
68. essentialestrogen.com Essential Estrogen
69. iowahousedemocrats.org
70. iowaindependent.com Iowa Independent
71. iowaliberal.com Iowa Liberal
72. myspace.com Jedi Tony
73. typepad.com
74. qcmississippimud.com Mississippi Mud
75. afscmeiowa.org AFSCME Iowa
76. cfpciowa.org
77. environmentiowa.org Environment Iowa
78. eychanerfoundation.org
79. geaction.org
80. iowabicyclecoalition.org
81. iowacan.org
82. iowacci.org
83. aclu-ia.org
84. iowademocrats.org
85. iastate.edu Iowa Energy Center
86. iaenvironment.org
87. iafu.org Iowa Farmers Union
88. iowaaflcio.org
89. iowafiscal.org
90. iowaforhealthcare.net
91. freecycle.org Iowa Freecycle
92. iowahouse.org
93. iowaimmigrationeducation.org
94. psriowa.org
95. iowapolicyproject.org
96. iowapridenetwork.org Iowa Pride Network
97. iowapirg.org
98. iowaunderground.com Iowa Underground
99. iowansforvotingintegrity.org
100. wordpress.com The Least, First
101. idp5.org Left Coast of Iowa
102. enviroadvocates.org
103. one-iowa.org One Iowa (GLBT)
104. qcprogressiveaction.org
105. iowaprogressives.org
106. qcaffirmingdiversity.org
107. soypower.com
108. seiu199.org SEIU Local 199
109. sierraclub.org
110. voterownediowa.org Voter-owned Iowa
111. cafepress.com
112. e-clairebuttons.com
113. leftyblogs.com
114. sourcewatch.org
115. blogforamerica.com Blog for America
116. netrootsnetwork.com
117. pdamerica.org
118. democracyforvermont.com
119. potluckactionnetwork.org
120. gwu.edu
121. sitemeter.com
122. wordpress.org WordPress
123. artisteer.com WordPress Theme
