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1. nypost.com
2. heavy.com
3. foxnews.com
4. dailymail.co.uk continued
5. sunnewsnetwork.ca
6. torontosun.com
7. dailycaller.com
8. youtube.com *
9. blogspot.com Iraq The Model
10. wikipedia.org a trench mortar
11. gommecourt.co.uk
12. cnet.com sd card recovery
13. cachk.com コーチ財布
14. planesideas.info Planes Ideas Blog
15. cz.cc
16. cx.cc Money Reviews Blog
17. antzinpantz.com his own blog
18. flagcounter.com
19. wunderground.com
20. test-king.cc ccna exam question
21. cafepress.com
22. adbrite.com
23. borderlandbeat.com Broderland Beat
24. hotair.com Hot Air
25. michellemalkin.com Michelle Malkin
26. rightwingnews.com Right Wing NEws
27. boortz.com Neal Boortz
28. anncoulter.com Ann Coulter
29. townhall.com Townhall
30. rushlimbaugh.com Rush Limbaugh
31. washingtontimes.com Washington Times
32. opinionjournal.com
33. mrc.org
34. newsmax.com Newsmax
35. weeklystandard.com Weekly Standard
36. worldnetdaily.com WorldNetDaily
37. centcom.mil US Central Command
38. army.mil US Army
39. af.mil US Air Force
40. navy.mil US Navy
41. usmc.mil US Marine Corps
42. uscg.mil US Coast Guard
43. lt-smash.us Citizen Smash
44. frontlinevoices.org Front Line Voices
45. omarmasry.net Iraq 2.0
46. sgtstryker.com Sgt. Stryker
47. whitehouse.gov
48. defenselink.mil Dept Of Defense
49. state.gov Dept Of State
50. dhs.gov
51. odci.gov CIA
52. fbi.gov FBI
53. nasa.gov NASA
54. supremecourtus.gov US Supreme Court
55. house.gov On The Floor
56. senate.gov US Senate Votes
57. loc.gov US House Votes
58. rnc.org RNC News
59. democrats.org DNC News
60. firstgov.gov State Governments
61. ajb.org America's Job Bank
62. insidelouisville.com Inside Louisville
63. google.com
64. pmachine.com
65. hostingmatters.com
66. w3.org
67. technorati.com
68. creativecommons.org
69. quantcast.com
