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10. cnet.com The Open Road
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15. harvard.edu
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19. berkeley.edu Westley Weimer
20. stanford.edu Sanbae Kim
21. acm.org
22. bitlaw.com Bitlaw
23. european-patent-office.org
24. spi.org
25. ffii.org
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27. wipo.int
28. genetic-programming.org
29. rennard.org
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34. generative-programming.org
35. angelfire.com HDL Page
36. nasa.gov Jason Lohn
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39. affinnova.com Affinnova, Inc.
40. icosystem.com Eric Bonabeau
41. imagination-engines.com Stephen Thaler
42. matrix-as.com Marcel Thuerk
43. natural-selection.com Joe Rothermich
44. nutechsolutions.com David Davis
45. quantumleap.us
46. redcedartech.com
47. tenfold.com
48. peterjbentley.com Peter J. Bentley
49. fh-vorarlberg.ac.at Hans-Georg Beyer
50. snesl.edu Ralph Clifford
51. uidaho.edu James Foster
52. uiuc.edu David Goldberg
53. msu.edu Erik Goodman
54. autogeny.org J. Storrs Hall
55. turing.org.uk
56. umich.edu John Holland
57. bell-labs.com Lorenz Huelsbergen
58. genetic-programming.com John Koza
59. kurzweiltech.com Ray Kurzweil
60. cornell.edu Hod Lipson
61. york.ac.uk Andy Tyrell
62. dartmouth.edu James Moor
63. danpink.com Daniel H. Pink
64. brandeis.edu Jordan Pollack
65. karlsims.com Karl Sims
66. hampshire.edu Lee Spector
67. susx.ac.uk Adrian Thompson
68. teuscher.ch Christof Teuscher
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72. amazon.com
73. creativecommons.org
74. transmyt.com Transmyt Marketing
75. technorati.com
76. wired.com
77. elliottback.com
78. netflixprize.com Netflix
79. cccblog.org CCC blog
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81. businesswire.com Business Wire
82. santafe.edu W. Brian Arthur
83. newscientist.com
84. dgtlpub.com National Magazine
85. marketwatch.com CBS MarketWatch
86. sdtimes.com
87. theengineer.co.uk
