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No. 链出域名 关键词
1. feeblog.org Anything Peaceful
2. c4sif.org
3. digitalproductions.co.uk
4. freedom-to-tinker.com Ed Felten
5. blogspot.com Trolltracker
6. wp.me
7. google.com
8. intellectualfootprint.com
9. lessig.org Larry Lessig
10. mises.org Mises Blog
11. movingtofreedom.org Moving to Freedom
12. patentlysilly.com Patently Silly
13. researchoninnovation.org
14. techdirt.com Techdirt
15. okfn.org
16. rufuspollock.org rufuspollock.org
17. creativecommons.org
18. arstechnica.net
19. cloudflare.com Anonymous
20. teslamotors.com Tesla
21. fff.org
22. nhrebellion.org here
23. dklevine.com the letter
24. jstor.org
25. ssrn.com
26. nytimes.com link here
27. twitter.com
28. teachstreet.com Add your site
29. stephankinsella.com
30. wikispaces.com The IP Policy Wiki
